Saturday, March 27, 2010

FOREX trading - Top 10 currency traders

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FOREX trading has been increased by thirty eight percentage between April 2005 and April 2006 and more than doubled since the year 2001. This has been possible due to the growing importance of the foreign exchange as an asset class and also an increase in fund management assets, particularly of easier for retail traders to trade in the FOREX market.

Lets see the top 10 currency traders over Forex trading:

Top 10 currency traders

% of overall volume, May 2009

1Germany Deutsche Bank 20.96%
2Switzerland UBS AG 14.58%
3United Kingdom Barclays Capital 10.45%
4United Kingdom Royal Bank of Scotland 8.19%
5United States Citi 7.32%
6United States JPMorgan 5.43%
7United Kingdom HSBC 4.09%
8United States Goldman Sachs 3.35%
9Switzerland Credit Suisse 3.05%
10France BNP Paribas 2.26%



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